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I would say with all the things happening in the world at the moment, we are all in need of a mood boost. It's been an over 40 days now that I have been in self-isolation, and after stopping the shop briefly and having to completely stop my other business. And in all honesty, I can stay thank F*** for my plants! lol

Like many of us that are flying through life, I suddenly had no alternative to slow down and through all this chaos and sorrow I found calmness again in my plants...These recent events reminded me actually, why I started collecting houseplant in the first place, and what a tremendous, healthy impact they have on my mental health especially at troubling times.

Your environment affects your health too, so adding more greenery to your home, especially with all this extra time we are having to spend indoors will only boost your mood. Houseplants are just the best for this!...they are quietly working their magic in the background which makes a huge difference to your mood, stress levels and even sleep! 

Here are my personal favourite easy peasy houseplants that will lift your mood...


Hoya carnosa tricolour

First on my list, in not particularly ordered, is the very easy Hoya tricolour.

I love all hoya's but for me, this one stands out the most. Allot of planty peeps will grow hoya's for their sweet-smelling very attractive flowers, I personally just prefer the foliage especially on the tricolour as she looks fabulous all year round...

All hoyas have luxurious waxy foliage this is where the common name arises from "wax plant". The hoya tricolour has three main colours (tricolour) from green, creamy yellow and reddish/pink.

I have my Hoya tricolour on a windowsill west-facing and she gets about 9 hours of bright light. Like, allot of variegated plants the right light is an important factor in keeping the colour strong, they will also grow well in low light environments, but if you have a spare spot in your home that receives a good amount of light this is where I would place her, especially if you want her to bloom. Her watering needs are easy to I only water once the soil dries out, as she has thick waxy leave they will lock in the water for longer so perfect if you like me you get a little forgetful sometimes.

Origin: Native to Eastern Asia and Australia

Family: Apocynaceae also know as the commonly known as the dogbane family

Genus: Hoya

Species: H. carnosa

Toxicity: These are poisonous to pets so keep them up high away from pets and small hands


Philodendron Royal Queen 'new red'

If I could include the whole philodendron genus I would as I love them all! I decided to pick the Philodendron royal queen New Red. She a fairly new hybrid cultivar of a few different Philodendron species. 

This queen is no diva she is so so easy and grows most elegantly. She also has a dark side so if you like dark houseplants this queen is for you. Her leaves are almost black, deep dark red in normal light, her twisty deep red stems creep upwards...

The Philodendron new red is a very low maintenance houseplant to attend to, water once the top 3inches of soil has dried out place her in a spot that gets medium light and she will be one happy Queen.

Family: Araceae

Genus:  Philodendron

Species: P. royal queen new red

Toxicity: These are poisonous to pets so keep them up high away from pets and small hands


Aglomeana maria

I have chosen the Aglomeana maria as she was my first ever Aglomeana since then I was hooked of this species. These are spectacular to look at and soooo easy to grow, so perfect for beginners. The Aglomeana maria will thrive in low light conditions and will handle a little neglect and still look great. (The more brightly colourful Aglomeana will require more light.) I tend to let the soil dry out slightly with this Aglomeana epically in the winter months, now it's getting warmer I will go back and water about every two weeks. This works well for me but maybe slightly different in your household environment.

Origin: Tropics, subtropics of Asia and New Guinea

Family: Araceae

Genus:  Philodendron

Species: P. royal queen new red

Toxicity: These are poisonous to pets so keep them up high away from pets and small hands


Epipremnum marble queen

Out of all the variegated plants out there I feel this one gets left forgotten about. Personally, I think the Epipremnum marble queen foliage is one one the nicest trailing variegated indoor plants you can have in your home without breaking your bank balance! Another easy Queen that will always look stunning. She will live quite happily in low light conditions like all Epipremnum, again water once the soil drys out and she will be a happy Queen. 

Origin:    Epipremnum can be found in tropical forests from China, the Himalayas, and south-east Asia to Australia and the western Pacific 

Family: Araceae

Genus:  Epipremnum

Species: E. marble Queen

Toxicity: These are poisonous to pets so keep them up high away from pets and small hands


Ceropegia woodii String of hearts

The string of heart is a hanging succulent and the final one on my mood-boosting houseplant list and what better way to finish. This charming houseplant is a delight to own. I would say they are easy as long as you don't overwater them they require excellent drainage and should be watered only when completely dry, and should never stand in the water they will root so fast, believe me. (I've accidentally killed a few buy overwatering)This string of hearts will appreciate bright, indirect sunlight, but she can do well in a low light setting too. 

Origin: South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. 

Family: Apocynaceae

Genus: Ceropegia

Species: C. woodii

Toxicity: Yay these are pets safe and child friendly 

Thank you for reading...oh and I excuse any spelling errors...I am delightfully dyslexic :)

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As allot of my loyal customers know here at The Ginger Jungle I pride myself on providing you guys with top quality plants and will continue to do so.

I wanted you to know what I am doing to ensure yours and my safety during these very challenging times ahead.

A little bit about me

I run The Ginger Jungle from my home purely by myself, I don't have staff and since 15th March I have been following the Government advice and have chosen to self isolate myself to reduce the risk of catching or spreading Covid 19...I live alone in a very small peaceful village in the South downs national park. I am healthy and have not been in contact with people who have coronavirus symptoms (that I know of).

All these points place me in a good position to continue providing my fantastic service as safely as possible and I want you to know I am doing everything I can to keep supplying you with great plants.

Below are the extra measures I have put in place so The Ginger Jungle remains a safe environment.

The Ginger Jungle extra cleaning precautions

  • I will and I'm washing my hands regularly using Alcohol Hand Sanitiser and soap

  • I will be wearing new surgical gloves when cleaning and handling your plants. These will be changed regularly.

  • As always your plants will be cleaned as an extra precaution I will wipe each pot with Hibiscrub, this is a hospital-strength antimicrobial skin cleanser this is a proven antiseptic, antibacterial and disinfectant that is effective against a wide range of bacteria, viruses.

  • When packing I will put a fresh pair of surgical gloves on and continue to keep very high hygiene habits

  • All surfaces will be cleaned with antibacterial spray and bleach.

Collecting stock

  • I personally collect my stock from a large ventilated warehouse, I very rarely come in contact with people anyway as normally collect very early (4 am) I will ensure I will take extra effort to keep the recommended distance.

  • I will be wearing surgical gloves and mask when collecting

  • I will pre-pay to avoid unnecessary contact

  • I will change my surgical gloves when loading up and use alcohol hand sanitiser as an extra precaution.

  • Once home your plants will be check and cleaned (they actually get clean twice before they arrive at my customers)


In the very unlikely event, you need to return your plant I can arrange Parcelforce to collect from you at home all you will need to do is print off the label which will be emailed to you and leave the parcel on your doorstep. This completely avoids contact keeping you safe at home.

I hope these precautions provide you with peace of mind you and your family’s health are of the most importance, so feel to message me any time via my chat-box on my website if you have any further questions for me.


It goes without saying that the next few months will be very difficult for everyone and small business like me will be facing one of the challenges time our lives. So please continue to support, share and love however you can. Remember you are not alone the plant community is one of the best, full of great loving people and we all need to do our best to stay connected. Keep safe and stay supportive with one another.

Love Luv Suzanne aka The Ginger Jungle

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Writer's pictureSue

Updated: Jan 31, 2020

Here's a little bit about me


Hey, I’m Suzanne, and I am the owner of The Ginger Jungle...And I’m totally obsessed with houseplants!

I independently set The Ginger Jungle in 2018 in a sleepy Sussex village after struggling to find the next plant on my very long list (and still is lol) So I took the brave leap and here I am over a year on and I'm proudly going strong.

So like me, if you’ve ever wondered: Where can I find the unique plant's that actually look like the one pictured, arriving in fab condition, all perfectly packed? You’re in the right place...

And I am obsessively passionate about it too! Don't just take my word for it check out my many testimonials

This is me

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