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Updated: Feb 19, 2021

The Time has Come!

We’re moving on to bigger and better things as The Ginger Jungle has now outgrown it’s original premises - we are being repotted!

Seeing the transition from a home start-up business, where we currently pack your precious plants from my living room, to a practical work space we call 'The Jungle' is an exciting day for us here! We will be documenting our journey throughout the week to keep you all updated.

During this changeover, we plan to start from scratch and have a ‘Big Plant Moving Sale’ From 8:00 am, Wednesday 15th July to Tuesday 21st July. The sale will include all plants at 20% off. Stock will also be updated throughout the week and free shipping for orders over £65!

Suzanne & Team x

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Writer's pictureSue

Updated: Feb 16, 2021

Our Growing Ideals

Starting any business venture that stems from a love of the product itself is a gratifying drive like no other. The Ginger Jungle’s seed was first sown after I realised I owned every plant there was to buy from my local garden centres! I then explored many online sellers, only to be largely disappointed by the condition most plants arrived in. As a result, I decided it was time to put my passion into practice and convert my personal values into my very own houseplant company.

Now here we are two years later, establishing a small united team and moving to our new jungle premises - The Ginger Jungle is blossoming! In spite of our expansion, I am determined to maintain the original goals I set out with by integrating these beliefs into our strong ethos. Now as a team of three, we are proud to uphold these main objectives...


We only want you to receive what we’d hope to receive ourselves. The plants we pick are chosen through our own enthusiasm (for all things leafy), and before they reach you they are housed properly, watered, cleaned and pruned as if they were our own. This care is extended as we prep the plants carefully for the journeys they make towards you. We take great pride in our packaging, as proven in the testimonials given by many happy customers.


As advocates for the colour green (of course), we would like to encourage the natural growth of our planet, and not have any contribution to even the smallest carbon footprint. We are working towards being a genuinely sustainable business which is why all of our packaging is recyclable or reusable. In the near future we aspire to discontinue any non recyclables at HQ as well.

Customer service

Having all come from customer service backgrounds, we know that you are our main attribute to growth. Loyalty should be shared both ways and maintaining this attitude means being attentive, patient & understanding. These qualities are what makes our working environment a fun and wonderful place to be and we hope to convey this experience across to you. This mentality is not only shared with you and the rest of the team but also with suppliers, delivery drivers, neighbours and all humans alike - being kind is part of our ethos!

Community/Inspiring Small Businesses

We are advocates of our small community and surrounding Sussex areas. To connect means to share and where there is passion, there’s always a story. Exchanging the tales between other local entrepreneurs has created a business support bubble like no other.

This micro-community helps to aid: individual growth where needed, creative positivity, collaborative ventures, and provides a shoulder to cry on during the global pandemic. There is no better demonstration of our identity than the narrative of people who make up our community.

If The Ginger Jungle can start operating from a garden shed, what are you capable of achieving?

We'd love to hear your start up stories! email us at

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Writer's pictureSue

I can't tell you how many times I have sat down and begin to write an update on the past few months...nearly a year later I'm trying again!

I am going to write pretty openly in the hope that it can give anyone a little bit of courage or belief to keep going especially for people who want to take the leap and set up their own business or are generally having a really shitty time!

In November 2019 The Ginger Jungle made it to her first year (yay) and oh boy what a year that was! Full of some real epic highs and on a personal level the toughest year of my life. I am SOOOO excited about what I have planned for 2020 and the future of the GJ but before I share that I want to go back a few steps...

Back in the day...

I'm not trained in any type of business studies nor was my schooling very good..... I failed all my GCSE's, badly bullied and really struggled academically! Being dyslexic didn't help and I was told countless times by my teachers that I wouldn't count for much...(sound familiar?)

Even though this wasn't great at the time I sincerely do believe this is where my determination and fire comes from. Now I call my dyslexia my superpower as it allows me and many others alike to see things in different and amazing ways. (yes, I still get my left and right muddled and frustratingly I can't pronounce most of the botanical names but hey ho) It's only now in my 30's that I acknowledge this, it's taken me a long time to overcome such negativity and self-doubt, and although it still affects me, I think it always will, but watching The Ginger Jungle grow has given me a real taste of self-achievement and my self-confidence is slowly blooming.

At this point, it was halfway through Summer 2019 and approaching my second rare plant launch. The feedback from the plant community was excellent and business was going well enough for me to start cutting back on my other business as a dog trainer. My goal was to stop the dog training in August and just focus on The Ginger Jungle, in the hope to move my little business out of my then home. I couldn't wait as I was working 14 hour days between both the dogs and the plants. My hard work started to feel like it was paying off and I was ecstatic to be able to focus on the GJ. Then August arrives and a bombshell hits, my x partner of 14 years suddenly tells me it's over! Walking away from my then life was really hard and anyone that has had to deal with heartbreak will understand the pain and grief you have to go through. I had to put The Ginger Jungle back on hold and continue working with my doggies in order to maintain an income. The next few months honestly were a blur I have no idea how I continued to run two business in the state of mind I was in, luckily the realisation came quickly that I was better off without him... Lizzo "good as hell" springs to mind lol

I am so grateful for the support during that time and having you guys there unknowingly keeping me going was a real blessing! I was umming and ahhing about writing any of this but it's all apart of my ginger jungle journey and it's why things have taken a little longer, but also brings me closer to my next chapter...

2020 New year welcomes a new me...oh and a world pandemic...

Well, we all weren't expecting this where we! I never in my life thought I would have to write up a pandemic plan, then close down two businesses and I still don't know what day it is! Jokes aside since March is been crazy and I am thankful I was able to start the shop back up again, not many of you know that I have been running the ginger jungle out of my little flat in Fulking (yes this is actually a place) I am currently having to pack all your orders outside or in my little shed. The business is now growing so much, bringing me onto my next bit of exciting news eeeek!

Big news...

Next month I am finally moving The Ginger Jungle out of my home into a business premises, nearly a year behind schedule! which is currently having a bit of a makeover and I can't tell you how excited I am! It's a beautiful space not far from my home. I also have Three new team members joining me this week! Ashlee (Smashly) Kara and Hayley! This means I will have the time and space to find more plant varieties, cut down mine and the customer's costs, collaborate with other local businesses, make connections with like-minded people and push the Ginger forward in life.

I can't thank you all enough for making this all possible and I can't wait to share my next part of my journey with you.

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